

Riskassist service

Offer Packages

Financial Services(FS) is a highly regulated Sector and especially in the last few years, since Covid-19 and rise of other disrupters, there has been a significant thrust by FS Regulatory bodies for FS firms to up their ante on managing & mitigating risks, in order to avert disruption to the customer and the market. FS regulators are getting more stringent, more prescriptive, more intolerant towards non-compliance; with frequent updates, changes and requirements that are tough to keep abrest of and comply with.

RiskAssist has an AI driven inventory of existing FS standards, regulations, and guidance organized by key risk domains, issuing authority and applicable jurisdictions. The compendium is accompanied by flexible offer packages; as under:

Any required customisation

  • Regulatory guidelines of any other country/countries not covered here
  • Guidelines / best practices from sources other than FS regulators viz, BSI, BCI, NIST, etc ; including consultancy/guidance to meet the requirements
  • Staff augmentation needs for specific projects to meet regulatory guidelines
  • Specific Consultancy requirements on any FS non-financial risk, to assess current state, identify gaps/vulnerabilities, maturity assessment, guidance on next steps to meet regulatory requirements, etc

RegAssist basic

  • Access to all global FS regulatory guidelines across risk domains

RegAssist Plus

  • All global FS regulatory guidelines across risk domains
  • Direct/push customised communication for next 1 year on Regulatory changes on one ‘chosen’ risk domain, key articles/ blogs, comparative analyses, best practices
  • One free discussion led consultation(60 mins) or one free gamified online training session for the management/risk team or one maturity assessment of the ‘chosen’ risk domain.
Starting at $1999 yearly

RegAssist Pro

  • All global FS regulatory guidelines across risk domains
  • Direct/push customised communication for next 1 year on Regulatory changes across ‘all’ tracked risk domains, key articles/ blogs, comparative analyses, best practices, etc
  • Strength analyser, a 20 min BCQ psychometric test that can help you identify your strong skillsets, for 10 members of your management / risk team members.
  • 2 Free discussion led consultations (60 mins) within next 1 year + 1 free Scenario simulation/desktop exercise (with report to help gauge current preparedness), or one maturity assessment of the ‘chosen’ risk domain, or 1 free gamified online training session.
  • Consulting and customization services
Starting at $5999 yearly